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VW – Passsat B5 – Demontarea usilor – Removing the inside Door panel

TAGS: cum se demonteaza portiera, cum sa demontez usa, cum se scoate panoul de la usa, tapiteria cum se repara geamul electric inchiderea centralizata, pas cu pas, fotografii, poze,
How to Remove an Inside Door Panel from a Car, how to repair the electric window, How To Disassemble Door panel, how to take the inside door panel off, VW passat b5 pictures, photos tutorial, steb by step
Tutorial pas cu pas Demontarea usilor la VW Passat B5, fata dreapta si stanga, precum si usile din spate.
Indepartarea panourilor din interior.

For English explanation please read below but the pictures should be self explain. 
Step by step tutorial. How to disassemble doors and door panel at a VW PassatB5. Door assembly. Removing inside door panel and track. Left side, driver side and right side, passengerside and back doors.

Daca vrem sa schimbam difuzoarele (cazul meu) sau este necesara o reparatie la mecanismul de inchidere centralizata, broasca sau la cel electric (sau manual) de ridicare a geamului, macaraua, sau daca portiera este lovita usor si trebuie indreptata din interior, primul pas este indepartarea demontarea panoului, tapiseriei, de pe interiorul usii. Aceasta poate pune unele probleme datorita aparentei lipse a suruburilor sau dispozitivelor de prindere. De asemenea necesita finete si atentie, se lucreaza cu plastic, usor de rupt.

If you need change the speakers (my case) or you need to do some repair at the electric window or the door locking mechanism at your VW passatB5, the first step is to remove the door panel. Here is how to remove the door panel, left, driver side and right, passager side. Also for the back doors, the steps are identical to the front right side.   

Pentru inceput, usa din partea soferului – Pasul zero coborati geamul!
Firs, left side, driver side door – Get the window down!!

Pasul 1 – Cu o surubelnita mica, pe dedesubt se scoate piesa de plastic din interiorul manerului.
First step – With a small screwdriver, from below remove the small plastic handle as in pictures. 
VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

Pasul 2- Acum aveti acces si posibilitatea sa ridicati toata partea de plastic. Cu aceasi surubelnita mica, de jur imprejur, ridicati usor plasticul, dupa cum se vede in fotografii.
Step 2 – Now, you car remove the big plastic handle. With the same small screwdriver, lift gently, around, as pictured.

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie
Cu grija, scoateti mufa cu fire.
Carefully, remove the wires.

De acum aveti acces la suruburile mari care fixeaza panoul. 
From now, you have access at the big screws who fix the door panel.

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

Dupa ce ati scos suruburile, cu o surubelnita mai mare, si un pic de forta, indepartati panoul de jur imprejur. Este prins in cleme, deci fara frica la zgomotlele de rupt. 🙂
Dupa ce e desprins de tot si ramane agatat doar la geam, ridicati in sus 2-3 cm. Atentie, nu trageti tare, sa aveti pe cineva langa, sa va ajute sa desfaceti carligul de la inchiderea centralizata (vezi foto) aflat pe interior si apoi e gata, aveti panoul demontat.

After all the screws are removed,  with a bigger screwdriver and a little force separate around the door panel. No worries about the cracking noises. 🙂 When all around is separated, lift up about 1 inch (2-3cm), because is fixed, hanged, near window.  Also, in this moment, ask somebody to help you separate the hook from the central locking system. It is inside, see the picture. Next, all done! The door panel is removed.

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

Portiera dreapta si cele din spate – Right side door and the back doors

Pentru usa din stanga, si usile, portierele din spate, pasii sunt foarte asemanatori, difera doar prinderea la maner. Se vede in fotografiile urmatoare cum se face. Atentie, grija mare si priviti fotografia cu atentie la detaliu, sa vedeti unde va bagati surubelnita. 🙂 Nu rupeti ceva!

For the passenger door, the left door and the back doors, the steps are exactly the same, the only diference is the handle. Please pay BIG attention to the details in the pictures below to see where to put your screwdriver. 🙂 Do not broke something! Have a beer and have fun!

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

VW Passat, how to take off the inside door panel, removing, disassemble, cum se demonteaza portiera, demontarea usii, reparare portiera, tapiterie

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Passat MAF, problems with the MAF sensor, Mass Air Flow meter

RBK la Muntele Rosu
Last days, RBK ( Rebe ), my old faithful Volkswagen Passat TDIRBK la Enisala  show some signs of weakness. Symptoms: Suddenly loss of power. Car, very lasy! The car didn’t accelerate as it usually does and with the gas at full, yon need a century to go up at 100 – 110 km/h. ( 62 mph ) The engine go up to 2000 rpm then hold around there, and no further.
Ok, first think, maybe it was the gas filter or, god, hope not, the turbo is broke or jam.
But normally the turbo didn’t broke easily at this cars, and the filter was new, so let’s check the sensors chain. I wrote this small tutorial with images to teach step by step maf replace.

VW Passat MAF location locatie
With vagcom and a cable it was easy to diagnosticate, but I have not those things. (Today i have! I made for my self a vag-com cable. )
So without proper equipment, let’s try step by step. Take some Spice from Dune and with the help of The Force i start with the MAF Sensor. His location as show in pictures, is just after the air filter.  So I chose the easiest way to test your maf.
The very easy way to diagnosticate this sensor is to pull out the just the cables and test the car on VW Passat MAF location locatiethe road. If the car run in the same way, or even better, you can be sure, the MAF sensor is gone. That’s exactly what I did and the car accelerate better without the MAF connected.
Hurray, is not the turbo! The MAF is broke.
The MAF, Mass Air Flow meter is the sensor who indicates to the ECU (car computer)  the air mass who flow inside the engine.

VW Passat MAF sensor senzor close-up
I take it out, and try cleaning. Usually if is not completely burn out, a good cleaning with isopropylic alchool can do the job.
But not ever think to touch the sensor itself with something, like paper or a stick with cotton. Just alchool or clear, very pure contact spray for electronics.
Don’t spray directly on the sensor. The power of the spray jet can damage it. The best way is to immerse the sensor part in isopropilic alcohol and let it about 30min with gently shake from time to time. Please, DO NOT open the sensor, do the cleaning with the sensor as it is, unless you have nothing to lose and you are prepare for a new one!!
VW Passat MAF sensor senzor close-up
If this treatment do not restore the MAF sensor,
VW Passat MAF sensor senzor close-up
maybe is time to buy a new one. If you have BOSH, you can buy also a Pierburg one, is (at least here) much more cheaper and work great.
On my old BOSH MAF I do a autopsy and I put the pictures here and a repair tutorial. Remember this sensor is burn out, do not open yours.
The MAF sensor work by heating a small filament at a certain temperature. With the air blowing over, the temperature drops. So the filament need more electricity to rise up the temperature. The ECU measure the power needed to keep the temperature, and estimates the mass of the intake air.

Pierburg, Bosh and Vader
MAF defects can show because the dust from the air, or more often from microscopic drops of oil, especially if you have sport air filter, with oil.So, the conclusion: if you have Volkswagen Passat TDI, or Skoda TDI, or anything TDI with MAF sensor, if your car lacks power is lasy, do not panic.
First, disconnect the MAF and test the car. If the car runs nor badly but the same or even better, then you know, is most probably the MAF.

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